Joint Worship Service
It’s a new 5th Sunday tradition! Every 5th Sunday Old Bethel UMC, Rest UMC and Welltown UMC will come together as 1 congregation to worship and praise God together! This Sunday, December 29th we’ll all gather at Old Bethel UMC. Service will be at 10:30am with a pot luck picnic to follow! All are welcome!
Oct 26, 2022
Evening Group
The Evening group is moving. We is now be meeting at Donato’s A Touch of Italy on rt. 522. We are still meeting at 6:00 pm. There is no book to read, just come and share what it going on in your life, things you have experienced, struggles you are having, or just good fellowship. All are welcome to drop in and join us. You can view their menu here Donoto’s A Touch of Italy
Cline Family Farm Day & Welltown UMC Apple Butter
Come out to Cline’s farm this October 8th for apples, pumpkins, food and more! Welltown United Methodist Church will be making Apple Butter all day and more than happy to let you have a stir and talk about our oldest fundraiser…the art of making Apple Butter!
Jan 22, 2022
Crafters and Coffee
You are invited to join others from the Welltown community for some crafting on the 4th Sunday of the Month at 10am (Jan. 22) . Bring whatever craft you want to work on or just come to learn and fellowship!
Jan 13, 2020
Church Council Meeting
Church Council Meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 13th at 7 PM.
Easter Sunrise Service
Sunrise service will be held at Welltown United Methodist Church April 21 at 7 am. Come worship with us as we celebrate our risen Lord and Savior!
Good Friday Service
This year, Old Bethel United Methodist Church will be hosting our Good Friday service at 6:30 pm. Why is it called Good Friday?
Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday service will be held at Welltown United Methodist Church on April 18th at 6:30 pm. What is Maundy Thursday?
Ash Wednesday Service, March 6th
We’ll be having 2 services for Ash Wednesday. We’ll meet at Old Bethel UMC ( 560 Old Bethel Church Rd, Winchester, VA 22603 ) at 12pm (noon) and also at Welltown UMC at 6 pm. Invite your friends and family, all are welcome! Want to know a more about Ash Wednesday, let’s ask Chuck.
Mission Trip 2019
We’ll be meeting at 2 pm in Welltown UMC fellowship hall to begin planning and preparing for this years mission trip to Roanoke, VA! More information will be coming, but until then, plan on meeting just to find out more of what’s going on if you have any interest at all. God bless!
Pancake Sunday!
Join us and invite your friends for a special service this Sunday, March 3rd at 9:30 in the fellowship hall for all you can eat pancakes and a special service!
VA Beach Mission Trip 2018
Come join the fun and fellowship this year, July 8th-14th as we return to VA Beach. This year we will be helping to wrap up the Hurricane Matthew Recovery. If interested, please speak with Pastor Carl.